Practice Nurses

Our Practice Nurses can be seen by appointment with the receptionist and offer a variety of services including injections, dressings, blood pressure checks, travel advice/vaccinations, removal of stitches, cervical smears and taking blood. They also work closely with the GPs in managing chronic illnesses including asthma, heart disease and diabetes - see Clinics for further details. The nurses are assisted by our healthcare assistant Jackey Collins.

For a better understanding of the procedure you have been booked in for, please click on one of the links below, to a variety of Patient Information Leaflets.


Forms & Questionnaires

Please complete this form in advance of your NHS Healthcheck and bring it along with you to your appointment

Lifestyle Questionnaire

Please complete this form in advance of your Travel Vaccinations appointment and bring it along with you to your appointment.

Travel Risk Assessment Form

Please complete an Asthma Review Questionnaire if requested by our Practice Nurses.

Asthma Control Questionnaire